The Cool House: earth day
Showing posts with label earth day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earth day. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day 2009: The Beach Edition

I'd defy anyone to walk along the beach this morning and not be inspired

by the remnants of last night's mist swirling off the Sound

by the random pink shells amongst the wave-smoothed pebbles

or the assembly of worms washed up on the shore

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Recycle, reuse, resent and refuse

A little gem from the local market.
As I handed the cashier my cloth bag he said he knew it was Earth Day because a lot of shoppers had been using their bags today. "Everyone's saving the planet" he said.
Everyone it would seem except the adjoining cashier who whined "But I like plastic bags"..........
"Why?" I asked "because you can use them to line wastepaper baskets at home? Or because you can re-use them?"
"I just like them"
Rather than bang my head against the wall, I'm off to throw this morning's coffee grounds under the rhododendron bushes. Micro-composting, good for the planet, good for my yard.
But here's some environmental information for anyone else still clinging to their bright, new, shiny plastic bags.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth Day 2007

Originally uploaded by modernemama.
The sun is shining, it's 70+ and the forsythia and magnolia are in bloom.
Earth Day started badly as we drove to the drop off with Ruby Red and a load of old cell phones, telephones and other non-functioning e-paraphanalia, only to find that the Town of Huntington held it'd recycling day yesterday! A waste of time and gas driving there and we'll have to recycle this stuff another day in another way.
Worse, I found three perfectly drilled holes on the garage siding, which means the Carpenter Bees are back, so we'll have to get out there with something unecologically friendly before they make swiss cheese out of the redwood.
But on the upside we saw three red-tailed hawks circling the house this afternoon, we've turned the heating off but haven't yet turned the fans or the airco on, I gathered a bucketful of the most enormous pinecones from the huge fir tree and the cherry trees are about to blossom.
On balance, a beautiful Earth Day,