Saturday, June 02, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
April to April
The last twelve months have flown by, hardly time to post to the blog what with all the twitter twaddle and facebook folies to constantly update. I knew this would happen, I'm basically lazy so if I can say it in 140 characters or less that's the option I'll take, thank you very much. But on the warmest day of a warm April that succeeded the hottest March ever, preceded by a no-Winter that meant no snow and no photos of 2" icicles hanging from the garage roof (and therefore no threat of decapitation when dragging the trash cans down the drive), I've had time to reflect on the past year.
Firstly, that Spring-like Winter has meant everything in the garden is blooming a good three weeks ahead of normal. This was last April 16 - in past Aprils we've still been salting the back drive this time of year.
The same view today, the forsythia is over, the hostas are up and the azaleas out. It's also 87F and not raining so big bonus, there!
I even pruned the forsythia the was obscuring the pink azalea but not without a minor oops moment.
What was the tenet about bringing the outdoors in... or making lemonade out of lemons?
The early blossoming Spring holds true for the magnolias, too.
Last year May 5.
This year April 8
Secondly the house is looking more put together, even if all the major renovations finished way back in 2010. A lot has to do with the new placement of art and the way we are using the space. The eat-in section of the kitchen is a spot where we spend a lot of time now we are free to laptop/iphone/tablet roam with wifi, often it seems we don't even bother visiting our offices, we just sit at the breakfast table and do our respective things. Sometimes, though I clear up and it's quite serene
Thirdly, I am still nuts. On one of the hottest August days last summer I swapped the rugs in the den and dining room. On my own because The Guy flatly refused to indulge my crazy one more time.
The orange rug headed back to the den
and the cream rug was dragged into the great room. It felt so good I bought it a couple of new cushions in a mid-century inspired pattern in the sale at Crate&Barrel. It's so much lighter in there that I'm sitting there typing. The newly fixed sliding doors are open and I'm listening to what sounds like a duck in the yard. I'm expecting the fox will appear again tonight. April to April... plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Spring 2010
Standing on the triangle of waste ground that marks the junction of Vineyard and Vineyard looking south; The Cool House is hidden behind the spontaneous eruption of green caused by lengthening days and 90F temperatures. Today is all about Spring: a carpet of yellow mallows, unfurling leaves on the beeches and maples and a budding Magnolia; blue skies and the occasional fluffy white cloud; bumble bees, chirping cardinals and swooping jays.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Warm Weekend
On one of those perfect weekends that came to cheer up Spring; there was sand and summer breezes
sitting on the deck of the Bay, Friday evening watching the sun set behind Lloyd's Harbor
spotting piping plovers on the shore Saturday
a few chores like sweeping sand between the bricks on the path
celebrating the breeze with open windows and newly-hung flowing white muslin curtains
admiring the cherry blossom
and rewarding ourselves with a Bloody Mary and fresh spicy guacamole, Sunday brunch in the backyard
Friday, March 27, 2009
I hear Spring
It must be Spring because hark, what is that sound? Birds? No. Leaves opening on the trees? No. Buds breaking? Definitely not. No, that is the sound of the landscapers. With a harmony of dogs barking, a cacophony that will persist until late November. Wow, it has been quiet around here for the past four months.
On the list for today: clean up the ravages of winter including the lawn deposited on the drive by the snow plow; replant the rhododendron the snowplow nudged; plant the blue spruce and two conifers I bought in a plant sale last fall that have already doubled in size; take out the dead hemlock behind the Magnolia at the front of the property. Meanwhile I can't find a single Spring flower in the yard - no crocus, no daffodils, no tulips. You'll just have to be content with this orchid that was part of a bouquet of flowers given to me last Sunday. I finally had time to arrange them and I took this guy out and gave him his own vase. Pretty, no?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Happy Ending
A neighbor just called to say the damn dog was running around the Village. Of course when I looked for her I found her in her usual place - guarding the bridge. Either she got out and got back in again or there's a Polly lookalike out there. While I was thanking the neighbor I realised there was a gorgeous sunset and I bolted to take some shots. Who knows how long it will be before we see another? Anyway, added bonus when I downloaded them. Do you see what I see? Buds! Buds on the dogwood tree! Spring is coming. Yay!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Spring Day, ha!
Last week it was upper 70s. Today it's cold and raining. This is just to remind me it will get better
And soon we will go barefoot on the beach again
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Spring at the beach
The wind is coming from the north-east, which accounts for the chilliness but it's bringing the smell of the ocean to Long Island Sound. Two sailboats, a speedboat and a skiff are on the Bay, the sun is shining out of a bright blue sky and Jeff's Seafood has soft shell crabs so it must be Spring.