The Cool House: blossom
Showing posts with label blossom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blossom. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Variations of Pink

Today's post is brought to you by the colour PINK.

Who knew (apart from artists, graphic designers and webmasters) that there were so many shades of pink? More hues or tones than I can name, each pinker than the last...

After a couple of days shooting the azaleas I was seeing pink.

Salmon pink?

 Ballerina slipper pink?


Hollywood Rose?

Then the rhododendrons began to open. Pale pink...

Lavender pink. Lavender rose?


And deep pink... Fuchsia, Magenta?

Or a combination of pinks - hot and cool

The flowering azalea hedge, a riotous display of... Tea Rose? Persian Rose? Maybe just Rose?

I love this time of year when the yard blooms with a hundred or more variations on the colour pink.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Artistic License

The Pierre Bonnard painting, Table in Front of the Window, in the previous post must have left more of an impression than I thought.

It influenced something I'm calling Forsythia Through The Office Window.... on a rainy day.

I got sunshine

Actually I'm about to get buckets of rain but yesterday I took this photo in the middle of cleaning the house, doing the laundry and locating and re-attaching screens - it was a summery 78F on Saturday and we wanted all the windows open and I couldn't remember where we had stored them (yes, we do have that many closets and no, I am not complaining) - all the things we do as spring finally gets a grip on Long Island.

Pierre Bonnard: Table in Front of the Window

The day before we had managed to catch the Pierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors exhibition at The Met Museum before it closed and I was stuck by the summery mimosa in his paintings that reminded me of glorious warm days in the south of France - sunshine and azure blue skies.
When I saw the yellow forsythia in full bloom I knew I had to run and get a shot before the incipient rainstorm ruined it for another year, it might be the last sunny thing we see for the rest of the week. It ain't mimosa but it will do.