The Cool House: My Random Life

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My Random Life

How far do you think I drove before I realized The Guy had draped the eco-friendly shopping bag over the wing mirror? The shopping bag I had spent 10 minutes looking for inside the car before I gave up? Let's just say the car is black, the bag is black and the I didn't generate enough speed to make it fly until I'd left the Incorporated Village.
Message to The Guy: Honey, how much extra effort could it take to open the car door and throw the bag inside? It's not like we lock the Beach Car anyway. Grrrr.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

cool! can you let us know wehen the house in unlocked and when you will be out as well? I shall wear my striped t-shirt and beret special?

modernemama said...

First you have to get past the marauding cats and fierce guard dogs!

Jean Martha said...

LOL!!! Men were created to test our patience.