The Cool House: Terminator Bath Tub

Friday, October 10, 2008

Terminator Bath Tub

Am I the only person who when they see this

thinks of this?

The Teuco Swarovski Bathtub, made to order in Italy from Teuco.


Jennifer said...

Haha! The insides are coming out of that tub! Be careful...

Why S? said...

Ecch! Who could relax in that thing? Or feel clean it it?

OregonArtGuy said...

I'm thinkin' the bath tub is way scarier than Arnold - at least we know his is make-up. I wouldn't turn my back on that tub if I were you!

Marilyn said...

Ah, the way you think. I see it, exactly right!

Charlie said...

Oh my...Ahnold doesn't even come close to the first thing that came to my mind...yikes!

dreamaire outlast blanket said...

Really Nice! What an idea..I like it!