The Cool House: Pest Control Quadrupled

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pest Control Quadrupled

It's that time of the year when spring glides into summer; the days are long, the nights are warm and small furry creatures abound. In other words it's party-time for the cats. This is the first summer in a while that we have had four active, healthy adult cats and boy are we noticing it. Every morning and usually evening too, the doorstep looks like a butcher's slab. What would madam like today? A nice mouse head? Side of vole? Filleted chipmunk?
But today they outdid themselves. I don't know if it was individual offerings or team work but we have 1 (one) small grey mouse, 1 (one) vole, 2 (two) chipmunks on the kitchen terrace and lawn, plus 1 (one) black rat by the garage door and 1 (one) flattened squirrel by the front drive. I willing to concede even my cats couldn't have been responsible for the last corpse but they could have chased it to its demise under a truck.
How do I deal with this carnage? Denial that's how. The Guy is in Minnesota so the death will not exist until he returns home. I will enter and exit the house by uncontaminated paths. Hopefully I won't run out of unsullied methods of egress before then.
*No other pictures for the post. You all know what these animals look like and besides, let's respect the little corpses, OK?


Jean Martha said...

i saw this and had to pass it on to you...the best wellies...ever.

modernemama said...

I need a pair for wandering around the rodent corpses

Jennifer said...

Good kitties! What good little hunters you are.

Anonymous said...

It is a fine testament to how much I enjoy your blog that I made it through that post. At one point I think I might have fainted and dropped the computer. Such is my aversion to your butchered rodents.

modernemama said...

Thank you and I'm sorry Marilyn: CLOSE YOUR EYES

On closer inspection one of the chipmunks turned out to be a squirrel. Definitely the work of felines not a vehicle.

modernemama said...

update: and one dead bunny........
oh, the horror

Jean Martha said...

Has M. Night Shalaman been alerted? I smell a movie!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, I looked.

Butchered...bunny? **hits floor**