The Cool House: Earth Day II

Monday, April 23, 2007

Earth Day II

Or the day we got lots of earth delivered. We are patching the lawn and extending the lawn strip between the rhododendron bed and the conifers to the left bordering the drive. Trimming the edges every time it was mowed had shrunk the lawn to 12" here and that's a tad narrow to mow. Now we're back to 4' so the grass should stand a chance.
All the leaves on the deciduous trees are opening now, I guess they needed the warm weather before they could unfurl, so the yard is looking better. Tomorrow the environmentally friendly hot oil guy will come and spray the trees and then we are going to plant the bed on the corner of the cul-de-sac with viburnums, day lilies and later some annuals. Got to have some more pretty in the garden.

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