Does this give you any idea how cold it is on Long Island? Given a sunset this pretty I would normally be dashing down to the beach to document the free show but when it's this cold, 22F (-6c) but feels like 7F (-14c), I'd rather shoot it from inside!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Queen Canute
The weather people are forecasting another dollop of white stuff tonight and tomorrow, this despite someone declaring a Snowatus, a respite from snow for a period of time (I'm thinking decades would be a good length). We haven't fully dug out from the storm last week that landed on top of the remnants of the day-after-xmas Snowpocageddon although the icicles are no longer as spectacular as they were.
My curmudgeonliness may be due to the postponement of a trip to the far coast, where it's apparently unseasonably balmy right now but on the other hand I have shoveller's back and I'm sick of cleaning sand and snowmelt off the animals' paws. Thank you winter, enough already!
So I'm going to sit in my American MCM classic chair and, as the Viking ruler of England did with the waves (or so goes the legend), command the snow not to fall.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
New Year's Art
Last week I picked up the art I'd selected at the Festivus Art show, along with a few extra surprises. Noted artist Nadine Bouler had slipped in an extra piece of House Art to go with Two if by Sea, a mixed-media piece that mixes architecture and shore imagery, which I've long admired. They are grouped together, under a Arthur Luiz Piza lithiograph, on the credenza in the great room along with a watercolor by Andrew Geller, a Sharyn Bradford nude and Great Tern by Olivia Bouler. And the Puffin peeking out from the frame of Olivia's painting? That's her younger brother Jackson's business card, which he kindly presented to me when we collected the art.
I also found this gorgeous silver bird ornament in Nadine's sack of goodies and I immediately placed it in its new home-the Satellite fruit bowl cage in the dining room.
I've hung my other piece of Festivus art, Louise Millman's collage Joy in the kitchen. I'm thinking of hanging a calender under it to tick off the days until I'm eligible to take the citizenship exam and one step nearer to getting my voting rights restored.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Ice Curtain
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Long Shadows
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Green Guest Bedroom
New roman blinds and pillows brought to life by The Awesome Designer.
Arts and crafts inspired, uniquely modern Robert Allen fabric - Celtic Knot in a lovely green colourway called Kelp.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Black & Grey with a Touch of Pink
Verity's room recived a mini makeoever this fall - new grey hex patterned rug, black and cream drapes and a new pink Tribeca pillow by Designers Guild. I'm still searching for the right duvet cover to replace the Marimekko one so we can call this room done.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Hi-tech Cat
I don't believe in buying presents for the animals at holiday tie - frankly their lives are pretty much one big treat - but when I saw Unplugged's Holiday Tech Gift List for Naughty and Nice Pets featuring Eero the cat staring at the laptop I rethought my position. There is one animal here who deserves a techie-ish gift
the one who isn't happy until he's had his morning dose of snark
or played a round of his favourite iPad game
Jefke will be getting Angry Birds Seasons in HD. Because I know he'll appreciate it.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Festivus Art
Saturday afternoon was spent at the much anticipated "Festivus- Affordable Art for the Rest of Us" show by Nadine Bouler and Louise Millmann at Ripe Art Gallery. Here's just a small selection of the work:
Nadine Bouler's Angry Landscapes
Louise Millmann's collages.
Besides the great art on the walls there was some serious design going on: Nadine Bouler's cloche for example. There were so many pieces we loved it was difficult to choose what to bring home. None of the pieces we picked is in these shots but if you wander over to Nadine's site you'll find them. I'm not going to be more specific until they arrive at The Cool House!
The show attracted an eclectic crowd including this angel. I'm as much freaked out by angels as I am by clowns so it was only the power of the art that kept me from running out screaming when this incarnation wandered in and began her performance. You can catch the show - minus the angel - until January 8 at 67A Broadway, Greenlawn NY 11740 Tel: (631) 239 1805.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 03, 2010
Thursday, December 02, 2010
After the storm
After this blew in I thought we might have lost a few branches, but it was a little bit more than that...
the tree top. all 15' of it came down
leaving a piece 6' long stuck in the Magnolia
which may account for this...
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Today was techie Wednesday, the day when, after six long years of living in the Incorporated Village with no cell phone service, we finally found a partial solution to our out-of-touch problem: Bluetooth. From today I can make and receive cell calls via new VTech cordless handsets that we have on a VoIP system. We still won't be able to use the home handset and the cell simultaneously but we can put one or the other on hold while we answer a call and conference between the two. And we can pair two cell phones with the base station and import the address books too.
Secondly we upgraded the home network to stream music, videos and photos from my computer to the den. I waited a long time for AppleTV to get to a price point that I felt comfotable with - and enough applications to become available - so I could play music from my iTunes on the flatscreen in the den. Now that Airplay for iPad is here I get all that, as well as a bunch of radio stations, photos from Flickr, youtube videos and a few other apps that never worked smoothly as widgets via the awkward Samsung dongle. AppleTV also proved much easier to set up than the previous wifi system. I had all my accounts, flickr, itunes, youtube, programmed in less than 10 minutes. If the iHome Airplay wifi speakers ever become available we'll have a whole house music system again but this time it will be fully integrated. I can't wait!
I also signed up for Netflix, a feature that wasn't offered on the Samsung 7000 LED last year (although video downloads from Amazon and Blockbuster were) so we now have instant movies on demand showing on the iMac, iPad and the TV! This should be a big help when the entire family descends for the Holidays.