The Cool House

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I might as well be in the frozen north...

While the rest of the country is enjoying the first week of Spring, the north-east is stuck in some sort of permanently frosty winter: icy blasts, temps in the 20s and 30s, occasional snow showers - I could be in northern Canada.

Speaking of which, I layered up yesterday and walked to the beach where a line of Canada geese were surveying the waves on the Sound.

If I had been on my own they'd have stood on the sand patiently but I had the dogs. So up they flew.

And landed maybe 6' nearer to Canada in the safety of the surf.

Nice job Sadie!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Champagne Supernova

When I met Jon Spector, President and CEO of Dornbracht Americas, at a Blogger's Bash last month, I learnt Dornbracht would be launching a new faucet at ISH 2009. I was promised a geometric faucet that would become as iconic as their sleek and beautiful Tara faucet. Mr Spector thought its origami shape of the new product might be just what I was looking for to be the jewel in the master bath rehab. Believe me, I was already excited but when he told me it was to be called Supernova and would be available in a champagne finish I was beside myself.

The champagne finish has a top layer of 22 carat gold, which will probably put it beyond our reach but there is a chrome version that may be a tad less glamorous but is just as stylish. The crisp sculptural quality does echo the rooflines of The Cool House, so from a design perspective this faucet is a winner.
Of course I couldn't write this post without a reference to this song. I don't know if it was a deliberate homage on the part of Dornbracht's marketing and design teams but I can't imagine that it didn't cross their minds that everyone would be singing it while they shower. I haven't been able to stop since I first heard about it, can you imagine what I'll be like when the Supernova finally makes it to the showroom?
via Stylepark

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Very belatedly The Guy received his birthday present. I've been wanting to put a chess set on the game table ever since I got it but our old ones were tiny and pretty beaten up. This vintage ceramic chess set came up on ebay just before The Guy's big day. Of course ceramic isn't as durable as wood or metal so we're hoping the cats don't jump up and start playing with the pieces-at least not before he's managed to have a game!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pot fillers

I'll be upfront here and say that I don't understand the pot filler's place on the list of most desirable kitchen gadgets. I know they save you from having to lug a heavy pot full of water across the kitchen but you still have to lug that same pot over to the sink when you're done cooking, and then it's hot and steamy as well as heavy. Much like a laundry chute where it's super to be able throw all the dirty laundry through a hole in the ceiling and have it fall next to the washing machine, but you still have to fold the clothes and carry them back upstairs when they are clean, it's efficientish.
Having said all that here are a few modern-looking pot fillers that from a design perspective I'd give a little wall space to.

Grohe Ladylux Pot Filler. If this is as robust as the Ladylux faucet we had in our last kitchen it will be worth the money. And who can resist that come-hither lever? Available in wall or deck-mounted versions, in stainless steel. $1029.00 retail, around $625 from online faucet sellers.

The very simple Whitehaus Decohaus available in brushed nickel or chrome, for half the price of the Grohe. It also comes in a cross-handle model.

Hansgrohe Allegro. This faucet has cute stubby little levers that I just want to pinch. It's available only in chrome, list price $662. But once again there are bargains out there. Hansgrohe also make a similar model Talis, but the lever is so tiny I'm not sure how I'd operate it.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Still wood obsessed

I got some serious validation for putting more wood in the master bath in my post a couple of weeks ago. Jean Martha at Renovation Therapy suggested putting in some beams and while I love the idea. logistically (tall Guy, low ceilings) that isn't going to work. But it got me thinking that giving the ceiling the hardwood or bamboo treatment might be one way to go.

Via Divine Design

Then I came across these great paneled bathtubs. Straight walnut panels with inset lights would certainly help in our poorly lit master bathroom.

Or we could use recycled wood as a tub surround like this bath by Feldman Architects, via remodalista

This bath has a gorgeous redwood surround but overall it looks a little like the sample area of my local wood flooring showroom.
In any case I think I have a paneled bath, possibly with inset lights, in my future. What do you think?

This was written as part of the Hooked on Fridays fest and coincidentally is also my 1000th post

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Three Words I Can Never Utter Again

1:20 minute: " I want to be mid-century modern girl".

Dammit, I loved MCM furniture when the only place you could find it was a dumpster, at the time it was considered worthless junk. Then it became mainstream. It's been over-exposed for a while, this Noguchi coffee table is styled into TV shows and advertisements and you can spot a Saarinen Womb Chair in practically every issue of surviving decor magazines, but from this moment mid-century modern is officially over. Whatever shall I do?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

He's backkkkkkkk

Thanks to the telephoto lens I got for my birthday last year I can now get a decentish shot of the D*mn Woodpecker TM.
Beautiful, isn't he? And useful for insect control. But with a few taps he can knock a hole big enough to use a nest for the family. So long as he stays in the tree he's safe. If he comes near the redwood siding again.......all bets are off.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sodding Lawn and Snow Plow*

It's a beautiful day at The Cool House. Let's walk around the property and see how much maintenance we're looking at this Spring, shall we?

Now what's that piece of grass doing growing out of the driveway?

Uh, oh. I think it used to be over here

Or maybe over here. Nice scraping job, snow plow! I think we have a fair amount of work to do just on the lawn. Grr.

*This joke probably only works if you're a Brit.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Designers' Lunch

Two designers and one person with definite ideas on design (moi) sat down for lunch today. You'll have to imagine them at the table because two are camera shy, and as usual at The Cool House there was a lot of running around with the cats and dogs and zero time for picture posing. But it was my pleasure to introduce The Awesome Designer to The Kitchen Designer over a little salad, some wine and a very satisfying raspberry and apricot tart. There's something about a pseudo-working lunch on a Monday that makes it both illicit and relaxing. Lots of fun anyway, and then a side trip so The Kitchen Designer could check out The Awesome Designer's kitchen, which was as stunning as always. A very enjoyable couple of hours for me. What did you do today?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lieb House finds its new home

A month ago I posted this piece about the the start of the journey to move the Robert Venturi Lieb House from the Jersey shore to the north shore of Long Island. The beach cottage, which had been in danger of demolition, has been purchased by Deborah Sarnoff and Robert Gotkin, who plan to use it as a guest house to their own Venturi designed home. On Friday it succesfully completed the second leg of its journey from Manhattan's South Street Seaport to Glen Cove NY, a move that was documented both by news teams and by cameras for a forthcoming film Learning from Bob and Denise by James Venturi, son of the architect.
You can see the whole move in a New York Times slideshow and read the rest of the article here.
There has been a lot of discussion on architecture blogs about whether this is a judicious move, if the removal costs are justified in a recession and whether modernist beach houses should be preserved. I think you know which side of the argument I come down on but I'm interested to hear what you think. If you had the means to undertake such an endeavour, would you do it?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday morning:The laughter continues

I have a meeting and a few errands to run but I can't leave you without something to mull over.
It occurred to me while watching my guilty pleasure The Real Housewives of New York that The Countess, who has written a book on manners to help the proles conduct themselves in polite society, reminded me of someone but I couldn't think whom it was. In the middle of the night I sat up and yelled Fanny Cradock, which frightened everyone and me most of all. Fanny was British and liked to pretend she was a lady. In her early days she cooked in a ballgown, with her husband Johnny, who I believe wore a monocle (though I could have imagined this bit). Think Julia Childs crossed with Margaret Thatcher. Terrified yet?
See for yourself...

Oh, you wanted to see her cook too? See what she does to this poor bird. Enjoy!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday afternoon playtime: The Sesame Street version*

We all need a good laugh on Friday afternoon so, internets, I'm sharing Ricky Gervais on Sesame Street. What could possibly go wrong?

* Caution: You may need Depends and a handkerchief.

Infinite space

You know how it is when you are renovating, you visit a house and notice all sorts of things you want to incorporate in your own home. That's what it was like when we saw the music room at The Breakers, which in turn was inspired by the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.

At the mansion huge mirrors were positioned on opposite sides of the room and enormous Baccarat crystal chandeliers hung between them to create an optical illusion - the lights reflected in the mirrors seem to stretch into infinity, making the room appear endless. How neat it would be, I thought, if we could recreate this back at The Cool House.

Then I forgot about it until yesterdy when a lightbulb blew in one of the sconces in the dressing room. As I switched the light back on after replacing the bulb I saw the same trick of the eye I'd witnessed at the mansion but on a more modern, and a more modest, scale. I don't know why I hadn't noticed it before, but maybe I shouldn't remove the 70s mirrored walls when we renovate this space?

This post is part of the Hooked on Fridays fest

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Just another spectacular sunset. March 11 2009.

Going the extra mile

What kind of pet sitter not only stays at your house and subjects themselves to the nocturnal demands of Jefke the water-loving cat and Polly the challenge dog, but finds time to take photos of all the animals and frame them as a birthday gift for The Guy? An absolutely fabulous, rockingly awesome, patient pet sitter. That's what.
Thanks L & B.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March Birthday Bouquet

Haven't done one of these in a while but as I'm lacking any inspiration for anything today I present to you the best bloom from The Guy's Birthday Bouquet. Yes, he likes flowers even more than I do. I chose blue, red and green flowers for him but I don't think he's noticed yet, so internets.... Enjoy!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Wood Obsessed

I still haven't got over my obsession with wood as the major design element at The Cool House. The teak shower bases we put in the downstairs bath and the boys' bath have been very successful; they are warmer than tile, and much less slippery. I'd really like to get more wood into the master bath remodel and have been mulling over the idea of paneling the master bath walls in walnut. I love the concept but I don't want it to look like a 70s sauna, so I'm focusing on wooden sinks and baths that might give me more of the look I want without the feeling I should be beating myself with birch twigs.

Handmade oval bathtub in teak

Bath in Wood of Maine handcraft a double tub from inch thick mahogany planks.

Umbila wood bath from Adagio Sinks

Laguna Basic wood tub in walnut.
The Leguna Basic tub is probably my favorite, the one that fits best with overall style of the house and it's small enough to replace the existing tub without any major changes to the plumbing or layout of the room. What about you? Any particular tub strike you as swoon-worthy?

This post is part of the Hooked on Fridays fest

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Cool House: the icicle edition

Absolutely, breath-takingly beautiful weather. Also damn cold. And if the cold doesn't kill you these babies might....

My Random Life

How far do you think I drove before I realized The Guy had draped the eco-friendly shopping bag over the wing mirror? The shopping bag I had spent 10 minutes looking for inside the car before I gave up? Let's just say the car is black, the bag is black and the I didn't generate enough speed to make it fly until I'd left the Incorporated Village.
Message to The Guy: Honey, how much extra effort could it take to open the car door and throw the bag inside? It's not like we lock the Beach Car anyway. Grrrr.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Vintage and Modern's Video Inspiration

Bill Indursky from Vintage and Modern shares his design inspiration, some new items from V & M and a story about Achille Castiglioni's favorite design - a pair of sunglasses made from 35mm film.
My favorite piece on V&M, if you asking, or better yet, buying, is a 1970s carpet by Edward Fields that will go perfectly in the great room. Thanks.