The Cool House

Sunday, May 04, 2008


An exceptionally mild winter meant all the herbs made it through, including those in pots. Bonus, fresh oregano and chives in early May!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Win more

Linda Merrill at ::Surroundings:: has a fab new contests sponsored by Artaissance. If you ever wanted a piece of custom art to complete your sitting room or bedroom now is your chance.
Just go to ::Surroundings:: and tell the internets what inspires you. It's that easy. Leave your story in the comments and you could win a gift certificate for any single item currently available on the Artaissance site, floral, modern, abstract - it's up to you. Competition closes Monday, May 12th and unfortunately for me I am banned from entering as I won the fantastic lamp time. Sad for me, more chances for you.

Friday, May 02, 2008

DWR Saarinen/Knoll Event

From last night's DWR-Roslyn Event celebrating 50 Years of Saarinen. This is how my den looks in my imagination.

The Tulip tables and Tulip chair in Platinum, the new base color introduced to mark the 50th Anniversary. Originally the three colors were black, white and aluminum but for many years only the black and white had been produced.
Just visible in the background is a blow-up shot of Saarinen's iconic TWA Terminal at JFK airport.

The terminal will open to Jet Blue passengers in late summer 2008.

After listening to the presentation and seeing the entire collection I really want to visit the Saarinen House and Cranbook Art Museum in Detroit to get a sense of what inspired Eero Saarinen and his father Eliel. Until then I'll have to make do with lusting after the red fabric Womb chair and the Executive armchair in Volo leather that I sat in last night. Soooo stylish and comfy.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

First of May

First of May, enter the Spring Flowers competition over at Create My Event today.
All you have to do is leave a comment with your best Spring decorating idea and you could win this gorgeous, eco-friendly Ailanthus pillow from Inhabit. It's made from recyclable materials, it's pretty, green and it could be yours...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I can see you

I'm supposed to be working (but there seems to be quite a bit of blogging going on including commenting on other people's blogs) so I wasn't really paying attention to where the small dog was.....

Yes those are my new pillows that she is happily snoozing against. I managed to shoot this before she woke up and guiltily crawled off the sofa.

Then I saw the reason for her contentment, and guilt. That's a scrupulously clean pot of what was formerly my lunch. Puppies. Such a joy.

An orange, orange scones and a goldfish

Marilyn at Simmer Till Done had a mouth-watering post on Orange Chocolate Chip Scones that sent me straight to the kitchen. But I'm a purist. I like my chocolate in bars or occasionally in the form of pralines with creme fraiche, but never in the form of chips. What to do? Substitute the choc chips for ginger of course. Except when I got to the store cupboard I was out of crystallized ginger. But I did have orange flavored cranberries, hee, hee.

Her recipe is here. All you have to do if you want to make my scones is replace the words chocolate chip with dried cranberries and viola. Couldn't be simpler, could it? See that gorgeous mesh of grated orange zest? It smells as good as it looks and it leaves the rest of the orange for you to make something else with that we'll get to in a minute.

Marilyn makes beautiful scones, in triangles. Go back and look at her photos. That's what they are supposed to look like. I make odd shaped squares

and circles; but they still taste great, not English scones but American scohnes, not too sweet and full of flavour.

Remember that orange I zested earlier?
Cut the orange in half and juice it, cut a lime in half, cut a slice from the middle and reserve, then juice the two lime halves, too. Take a highball glass and half fill with ice cubes, or if you are British, use the two ice cubes you are allowed under rationing rules, add a measure or two of gin to the glass, pour over the juice, top with tonic water, stir. Garnish with that reserved slice of lime. Delicious, refreshing and full of vitamins.
The goldfish? It was decorating the glass swizzle stick and I dropped it, snapping him off. I have a few of them now and I'm thinking of using them as table decorations next time we have people to dinner.....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

DWR-Roslyn NY Event: 50 Years of Saarinen

On May 1st, 2008 @ 7pm DWR-Roslyn Studio will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Saarinen's Tulip Collection by showcasing the entire collection that Eero Saarinen designed to "clear up the slum of legs in the U.S. home".
They'll also be kicking off the annual Knoll 10% Sale and Ann Skillman of Knoll will talk about the history of the company, including Eero Saarinen's relationship with the manufacturers of his designs. There will be examples of the new platinum finish Knoll has introduced to mark the anniversary for invitees to gaze upon. Plus, they're serving cheese and wine, so we'll be there and I will limit myself to one glass so I don't start singing this.

If I ever call in rich I've promised myself the 78" Tulip Oval Dining Table with a white (or maybe Platinum base) and an Extra White Marble top.
A girl can dream, right?

DWR Roslyn Studio
1085 Northern Blvd
Roslyn, NY 11576
Phone: 516.365.3158
Fax: 516.365.3458

Pool's Open

But no one will be swimming in it for a while unless they are crazy a member of this club. It's freezing out there.
We The Guy started the process on Saturday afternoon by taking the pump out of the pond*, going to the hardware store to buy a new piece of hose the correct diameter to replace the one that "got lost" during the winter, attaching hose to pump, dropping it into the water that had accumulated on the pool cover since last September and flicking on the switch in the kitchen. (No not that one, that's the outdoor lights. No, that's the tree light. No that's the balcony. Hang on... By connecting the cable to the pump and turning on the switch). Then we pumped water, Saturday until dusk and all Sunday, by which time had a nice, dry cover with a few inches of leaves all ready to be scooped onto the leaf pile.
Then it started to rain. It poured down all Monday, a good 2" by the end of the day. A lot of which sat right there on the pool cover again. So we started the pump going again this morning. By the time the guys (as opposed to The Guy) arrived to actually open the pool we still had a fair bit of water on the top, and it was raining again.
They will come back again tomorrow to make sure the system is working, I think there is going to be a problem with the return, maybe even the pump itself, and we are finally getting a replacement timer for the one that hasn't worked since we bought the place so I think we'll have to charge people to swim this year. Or maybe even to look at it.

*we use the tiny pond pump to pump the water off the cover because neither of us can figure out how to use the actual pool pump to do it

It was just a cheapo pen

But it held memories.
My favorite cheap bic, biro or ballpoint pen finally ran out of ink today. An everyday occurrence perhaps, but it was a "free" pen I filched in 1999 from a hotel in Seattle where I was one of these taking part in something that became this. Seems a lifetime away now....

Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring Day, ha!

Spring Day
Last week it was upper 70s. Today it's cold and raining. This is just to remind me it will get better

Spring Day
And soon we will go barefoot on the beach again

Friday Night Fun

Because we'd taken advantage of the fabulous weather on Thursday evening and taken guests to Prime Restaurant for a sunset seafood and fish dinner on the deck overlooking Huntington Harbor we forwent (really, forwent? went without? denied ourselves? Whatever) our usual Friday night booze fest Martini and meal in town and made this vegetable thin crust pizza (recipe over here) instead. OK I had a Martini and some olives to start but it was basically a low-calorie supper.

Then because it was still early I had a crazy desire to get a jump start on the weekend by putting up the curtain rods for the drapery panels I bought.

Of course the previous sentence makes it sound as if I was actually wielding the drill when we know my role is to take photographs and alert The Guy to the fact that the middle bracket is 1/4" off center.

You'd hardly think from his smiling face that he had a drill in his hand and it was menacingly close to my eye, would you? Still, in the end it all went off quite smoothly. I believe the drink before dinner helped, and the pizza, of course. There's nothing worse than tackling projects with a rumbling stomach, is there?

There was only one teensy-weensy little problem. When the curtains went up. I HATED THEM. They're definitely oatmeal not pearl and I hate oatmeal. What was I thinking?

I couldn't bring myself to fess up to The Guy that I thought they were a mistake, especially as he didn't want drapes in the first place, so I lived with them until Sunday afternoon but in the end they had to go. We tried them in the our bedroom but they were still oatmeal. Not every plan is a good plan and I'm admitting this was not my best but at least we know what won't work in both the den and the master.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

1970s Chairs: Simple to Ornate

Mario Bellini’s Cab chair is one of the seven design pieces The Financial Times picked to represent Design decade: 1970s. A seemingly simple design, the chair's steel frame is encased in leather, an idea that has been copied often since, which gives it clean, modern lines and a timeless quality that belies its seventies origin.
I love this design but I found the original Cab chairs hard on the backside over the course of a dinner party. When it came to choosing chairs to go with the Le Corbusier LC6 table for our dining room I wanted a more forgiving version. I found one, unfortunately without the iconic front leg zipper but still Italian and in black leather but more importantly with a much more forgiving seat.

At the opposite end of the 70s design spectrum, Alessandro Mendini's Proust Chair is a colorful and ornate homage to the French: Louis XV style, impressionist Signac-inspired fabric and of course Marcel Proust himself. At one time I wouldn't have understood this design, now I covet its overblown glory.

Read the Financial Times Design Decade:1970s article here, but take note that the FT managed to place the photo of the 1976 Cab Chair on the subsequent 1978 paragraph on the Proust armchair. Any easy cut and paste mistake to make but a pretty obvious one I would have thought.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday Shoot

Just to prove we're not exclusively modern, we're off to the city to look at Parmigianino’s Antea before it goes home to the Museo di Capodimonte in Naples.
I'll leave you with a few shots from the yard

vinca flower

pachysandra flower


Not as stunning as Antea but it's the best I've got.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Perception is everything

Monster showers rule.

These imposing (the larger size is 2.4m or almost 8" tall) outdoor showers from Designerzeit are certainly stunning but they need an exceptional setting to show them to their best advantage. In the above shot, this one, appropriately called Wave, dwarfs the surrounding houses

while the beautiful modern, sculptural Ocean showers shown here (on a gorgeous platform deck) are jarringly juxtaposed with a traditional carriage post lamp and a couple of small terracotta planters.
Do you think they had a professional in to style the photo shoot?
via Trendir

Thursday, April 24, 2008

A tall coffee and a new trowel

Here's an interesting thing I discovered this morning, well interesting may be going a bit far but noteworthy anyway. Do you know how much coffee is in Starbucks "tall" size? I didn't until today. Possibly I don't drink enough of the stuff to ever judge but we ran out of Jacqmotte Mocha, the house blend of choice here at The Cool House (which friends and family bring from Belgium by the suitcase full) and the only other blends we like are Starbucks Italian and French Roasts.

So I jumped into the Jeep, which still has the hard top on because the place we normally store it is full of stuff for the powder room redo - moan, whinge, whine - and set forth for Starbucks. With my large bag o' beans I got a free tall coffee, actually half a tall coffee because if it's too full I might spill it and coffee is hot, you know, and I took it home because driving while drinking hot liquids is a skill I have yet to master. And then of course I forgot about it.

As the weather dudes promised temperatures in the high 70s I'd already decided to dedicate this morning to moving a whole load more hostas, to make an effort to finish the transplanting before it got too warm and not touch the towel again for the rest of the week. I put out all my tools, cut through the first hosta, put the trowel underneath and....snap. The handle broke off leaving me with a choice of grabbing the serving spoon from the kitchen (and when I say serving spoon, it isn't a typo; for some reason we only have one, as anyone who has been here for dinner can testify) and excavating holes with that or driving back to town to buy a new trowel.

By the time I'd bought the trowel and finished the transplanting I was really thirsty and I remembered the free coffee, which by now was stone cold. But that's what microwaves are for, no? So I emptied the tall coffee into my mug and the thing overflowed. Half a "tall" coffee is more than my mug can handle. Yep, perhaps not the most interesting post so here are some hosta shots:

Hostas transplanted today

Patriot Hostas transplanted fall 2007

Hostas transplanted fall 2006

I'm hoping this morning's efforts will soon be as rewarded as last fall's.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Host a Hostas

Just because I split a gazillion of these back in the fall doesn't mean I can't transplant a similar number again this Spring, does it? I'm trying to split only the ones I didn't touch last August and September, those I've molested in previous years are fair game.
The aim is to get as much of the ground left bare by my ivy-removing escapades planted with hostas before they get too big to be split. They are currently growing 3" a day, so there isn't much time left....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day 2008

Recycle, reuse, resent and refuse

A little gem from the local market.
As I handed the cashier my cloth bag he said he knew it was Earth Day because a lot of shoppers had been using their bags today. "Everyone's saving the planet" he said.
Everyone it would seem except the adjoining cashier who whined "But I like plastic bags"..........
"Why?" I asked "because you can use them to line wastepaper baskets at home? Or because you can re-use them?"
"I just like them"
Rather than bang my head against the wall, I'm off to throw this morning's coffee grounds under the rhododendron bushes. Micro-composting, good for the planet, good for my yard.
But here's some environmental information for anyone else still clinging to their bright, new, shiny plastic bags.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Or how I tried to decorate the master bedroom and ended up back in the den.
In the package of pillows I received from Crate & Barrel last week were two Taylor Panels in Pearl that I thought would be a good replacement for the non-functioning roller blinds in our bedroom. Damn inaccurate computer monitors! They were more oatmeal than pearl. I was going to return them when I remembered we had never come up with a solution for the large window in the den that looks out on the back terrace. We wanted something that would co-ordinate with the roman shades without being too matchy-matchy. So I held them up against the window and whadya know? They look awesome. I even got a clothes hanger, draped the panel over it and and hung it on the built-ins so I could see the effect from the other side of the room. Inventive, no?
Of course I now needed to get a curtain rod and the ones we bought in 2005 have been discontinued, but with the aid of the internets I tracked down the last Pegoda rods at

If The Guy will help on Saturday I'll attach the hardware and hang the drapes and take photos. Until then there's a polyvore mock-up above.
The Crate and Barrel curtains are really nice quality (and in the Outlet section) so it would have been a pity not to use them but I still have to find something for the master bedroom so I can open the windows without a roller blind falling on my head.

Crate - for Renovation Therapy

I meant to blog this last week and then got busy and forgot.
I've always been a big fan of British designer Jasper Morrison. His Glo-Ball lamp is simple and beautiful, a work of art. And his Bus stop for Vitra is a mundane structure re-imagined as a breath-taking architectural piece.
But I think this is taking post-modern irony to the limit. $220 and he can't even think up a snappy name for his new product? Oh wait, $220 includes a copy of 'The Crate Picture Book'. Perhaps the book is worth $200 and the Crate $20?
If I had fourteen wine crates lying around my house I would be selling them as Jasper Morrison-inspired bookcases right now. And I'm sure reno can put together a tie-in book while she's about it!