The Cool House: June 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Guaranteed washout

Severe thunderstorms, scattered thunderstorms and isolated thunderstorms until Sunday. After that it'll probably just rain until Labor Day.

Bonus: it's pouring so hard I can't even see the pool!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Of course...

Photos from first day of summer 2011, the longest day, the solstice. We never know what kind of weather we'll have here on June 21. This year it's warm, humid and buggy. And what's that I hear this morning? Thunder? More than likely because the pool is finally open.

Which means it will storm for at least the next four days. Guaranteed.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Valuing our Heritage

The Andrew Geller Architectural Archive Preservation and Film project gives us a unique opportunity to document and preserve the catalog of a significant contributor to America's architectural heritage. The value of this undertaking as a future resource for research into architecture, social history and design should not be underestimated. Although it reached its kickstarter goal a few days ago the cost of cataloging the archive and making a documentary about Andrew Geller's work will be much higher than the $3000 raised so far. There is still time to pledge a donation and receive a corresponding award, so click on over to Kickstarter to see how you can be part of this exciting initiative.