The Cool House: Panna Cotta with Caramel Sauce

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Panna Cotta with Caramel Sauce

It's been a while since I posted anything food-related on the blog. A combination of laziness, greed (do you realise we have to wait to eat while I take shots?) and twitter. Blame twitter. It's so much quicker to post 140 characters online than mess around with html.
Anyway, I am actually inspired by this lack of summer to make some dishes rather than the usual "Go to store, pick up salads, cheese and pate, open wine and call it a picnic" meals we eat this time of year. Yesterday I used up leftover polpo, peppers, rice and tomatilla salsa with frozen prawns, sauteed garlic and 1/3 bottle of white wine for a simple, summery lunch and made a Panna Cotta with fresh berries for today's dessert. I had planned to serve it with red berry coulis and fresh cherries but then I saw something that made me think why not drizzle it with a little Caramel Sauce? Heaven.
Panna Cotta is one of the easiest desserts to make. Really! It's just cream jelly (Jello). I'm not even going to bother to write out a recipe, there are hundreds around, each as simple as the last. Try David Lebovitz's below. And if you have any doubts about making your own caramel sauce go and see Marilyn at Simmer Till Done. She will hold your hand, mop your fevered brow and guide you through the process for perfecting sweet, buttery and slightly salty caramel. You'll never go back to a jar again!

Panna Cotta
David Lebovitz has a perfect recipe with tips
(If you oil the molds as he suggests you won't have to do what I did and ease them out with a knife, see photo. Do as I say, not as I do!)

Caramel Sauce
I told you: Go see Simmer


Nadine @ BDG said...

It's almost too much of a fantasy the way you describe the caramel sauce--- do I dare attempt to make it reality? I imagine it poured on fresh fruit and whipped creme.

marilyn @ simmer till done said...

Oh, forget the summer dinners...let's just have dessert! Looks lovely - and how honored is my sauce to paired with Mr. Lebovitz' dessert?

Nadine: you make that sauce! You can do it.

heidi said...

Also, Whenever I see Panna Cotta, it makes me think of Anna Gotta. (Davita) Maybe there's a limerick in there somewhere??

modernemama said...

Heidi: Wotta?

modernemama said...

Nadine: Make it - the toughest part about caramel sauce is letting it cool before tasting it. I wish I could say it was a mistake I made only once...

Magpie said...


Panna cotta In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida? (That was for Heidi.)


Oh I love panna cotta.

I'm a Twitter moron. I just saw all my replies and mentions since March over the weekend. I didn't know they were there!

Jennifer said...

Yummy. Yummy!

Kathleen said...

I might try the panna cotta tonight. If not tonight, definitely tomorrow. Looks very good.