The Cool House: Construction in the Neighbourhood

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Construction in the Neighbourhood

new house
Originally uploaded by modernemama
Not having so much work to do on the house (although yardwork never ceases) means I have more time to get out and walk the neighbourhood.
Back in May I wrote about a 70s colonial that had been torn down and the construction that was underway on its replacement.
For a couple of months we all wondered about the style of the new building, especially the roof line, and now we can see it in all its glory: a post-modern Dutch farmhouse. The roof is cedar shingles and took weeks to complete. You can see from the side angle they've taken advantage of the views and especially the sunsets. I think they've used the same square area as the old house and angled it slightly differently but it seems twice as big. It also dwarfs the two colonials on either side. At least its not a standard McMansion, if anything it references the older houses in the Bay Crest area on the other side of Willow Pond. I can't wait to see the finished siding.

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